Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Bismillah, As starting point..

Bismillahirahmanirrahim, as my starting entry.

“Bismillah-ir-Rahman-ir-Rahim” is the first verse of the first chapter (Surah Al-Fatihah) of the Quran. The fact that the word of Allah, the Quran, starts with this first verse, alone signifies the importance of this verse and further emphasizes the need to start all our tasks in the name of Allah (God). (Surah Ar-Rahman)

My first entry for this brand new SHSharing Blog, would be an introductory to who I am, what I am, which way of direction am I going to decide for this Blog.

Previously, I do several blog(s) for my tiny business but this is My FIRST LEAD on my new sharing to everyone. So, Let's get started with introductory part, shall we?

1) Who am I?

I'm Hanys, born in Temerloh Pahang, Studied Chemistry in UMS, current employee of Anzac Consultancy.

2) What I am doing other that getting paid by Anzac Consultancy?

I decided to further my research on several subject which includes; business perspective (current selling marketplace, Marketing strategy, and Variety of structural planning for local and international markets)

3) Which way of direction should I go through?

I am still under delusional visualizing all methods and aspect to be through. Anyhow, I am eager to learn the hard way, hunger for experience and I would never try to sabotage myself. Giving up not an option!

Okay, here the words: Nothing to be scared, Get In There, Do the things you plan to do!

Admin SHSHaring Blog

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